All people should have equitable opportunities to develop and express their physical, mental, and spiritual potentials.
About Us
Mission Statement
PROUT Institute provides people and communities with empowering resources to envision and enact sustainable and equitable solutions to social, economic, and ecological challenges.
PROUT’s Fundamental Premise
All people should have equitable opportunities to develop and express their physical, mental, and spiritual potentials, while maintaining dynamic balance among individual quality of life, collective well-being, and ecological integrity.
The PROUT Institute identifies four essential conditions for making a transition to a sustainable and equitable future:
a rational and grounded sense of hope for humanity’s future
a robust vision to guide enduring social transformation
personal and community vitalization and empowering ideas
a theory-based, solution-oriented approach to social renewal
Our Approach
The Institute’s approach to social engagement is based on developing theory-based solutions to socioeconomic problems.
PROUT offers a system of practical design principles intended to bring balanced progress and vitality to human society. Its method for undertaking a solution-oriented approach has three facets:
Know your region.
Obtain an informed understanding of local people and of local problems and potentials.
Create your plan.
Create local and regional development plans to foster well-being, equity, and balanced abundance.
Serve your community.
Collaborate with others to engage in constructive social change.
Our Scope of Activity
The Institute takes a balanced and holistic approach to its engagement in social transformation, with a program of activities in the following areas:
popularizing a coherent theory of development to replace the current paradigm
proposing policies to guide social reforms
developing model projects to demonstrate and test the viability of new approaches
offering a variety of educational programs to share the understandings the Institute develops through its engagement in theory, policy and practice.
nurturing a collaborative community of healthy, spirited harbingers of change to provide a supportive base for creating a new society
Founding of PROUT
PROUT was first put forward by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, a philosopher, social reformer, and spiritual teacher dedicated to the task of planetary transformation. Through his actions and teachings he inspired many people to develop their potentialities and take on active responsibility for humanity’s welfare.